.... but to what? This is exactly what happened to my bad hand on Thursday morning but I haven't got the faintest idea what I am so sensitive to??!?! This kind of freaks me out, it just itches and within 1 minute it's red and swollen with lots of little bumps and then those bumps unite themselves to form about 3 huge bumps...
Been to the orthopaedist, and the x-ray shows that there are 2 or 3 sharp little chips of bone that cause rhe pressure and pain. He told me to leave the cast on for another week. Supposedly they reattach/regrow to the main bone? Yeah right. I don't think they are going to do that. I'll be back I guess
I will be left-handed for a while. My right arm is/will be in a cast for at least 3 weeks I fear. Current diagnosis: tendosynovitis. Maybe I can come up with a few 'interesting' left-hand pictures.