02 December 2012

SH Sketchcrawl

The Sketchcrawl today was very cold and the actual time in town was spent on a quick sight-seeing, Chlausmärkt and eating pizza on the way. We sketched in the Museum zu Allerheiligen, which houses an archeology, nature and paleo-geology (?) department, local Schaffhausen history and a department of contemporary and older art. There was something for everyone, and if you were there to draw, you could spend a whole day. The building was formerly a convent which is very picturesque in the summer months. So, I highly recommend it for a bright summer day sketchcrawl.

Der Sketchcrawl heute war sehr kalt und wir waren im Städtchen eigentlich nur zum schnellen Sight-seeing, Chlausmärkt und Pizza essen unterwegs. Skizziert wurde im Museum zu Allerheiligen, welches eine Archäologie-, Natur- und Paläo-Geologie-Abteilung, Schaffhauser Stadtgeschichte und eine Abteilung für zeitgenössische sowie ältere Kunst beherbergt. Für jeden war etwas dabei, und man kann eigentlich den ganzen Tag dort verbringen, wenn man zum Zeichnen da ist. Das Gebäude war vormals ein Kloster, welches in den Sommermonaten sehr malerisch ist. Für einen Sketchcrawl im Sommer also sehr zu empfehlen.

21 November 2012

DreamWorks' Animation Resources

This is a reblog from http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.ch.
I could, however, also call it "My Christmas wishlist" ;-)

DreamWorks' Animation Resources

DreamWorks Animation has a comprehensive in-house training program which provides a lot of resources for their artists. They provide every incoming artist with a list of the books and resources that they have found most helpful for mastering the art of animation.

DreamWorks has generously allowed me to share this recommended list with you. The links take you to more information about each of the books. If the resources are not books, I've added a note about where the links will take you.

Acting and Improv
• Acting for Animators by Ed Hooks
• The Second City – Almanac of Improvisation by Anne Libera 
• A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology: The Secret Art of the Performer by Eugenio Barba 
• Matthew Bain on Movement. Bain is a final layout artist at PDI/Dreamworks Animation and freelance music visualization artist/composer.) (Linked in) (Music visualization on YouTube)

Color and Painting

Computer Graphics and Visual FX

• Introduction to Computer Graphics by James D. Foley, et al 
• Fundamentals of Computer Graphics by Peter Shirley 
• Mathematics for Computer Graphics by John Vince 
• CG101:A Computer Graphics Industry Reference (2nd Edition) by Terrence Masson 

Figure and Gesture Drawing

Filmmaking Books

Layout & Composition Books

Animation Websites

Educational Sites
Animation Educator's Forum
Feel free to bookmark this post and share the list with others on your blog, Twitter, or Facebook
Thanks, Angela!